Inventory Photos and Inventory Photos Plus Updates

How to use the app

Developer information

Hello friends, I will try to update the app ASAP. I have no time. I’m sorry.

Inventory Photos Plus

I know, do you want pay version… Now… is impossible for me.

Folders and file names

The app contains diferents folders types: 

  • PATH: is the default folder path.
  • CUSTOM_FOLDER: The second folder to order the photos.
  • TEMP_FOLDER: You can use this temporal folder to create a folder quickly into the take photo activity.
  • FULL_DATE: You can use it to create a folder with the actual date ( example: storage/DCIM/myitems/20190410/ )
  • DAY: If you select the option to create a folder each day, the app will create a folder each day.
  • MONT: If you select the option to create a folder each month, the app will create a folder each month.

* Note: if you don’t use some folders as temp_folder, the app don’t create it. (example: if you leave empty the temporal folder box, the app will not to create the folder.)


  1. OPTIONS: 
    1. Clear the file name after take the photo.
    1. Select the default keyboard type (text or number)
    1. FOLDER PATH: You can select the base folder. (example: storage/DCIM)
    2. FOLDER CREATE PATH: If you want create a folder into the “FOLDER PATH” and select as default.
    3. CREATE / DELETE FOLDERS: Quick folders to select.
    4. FOLDER ORDER: You can select a custom order to create the folders.


Watermark is not implemented yet.

Force Close

If you have some force close, can be..:

  • Camera app: Some default’s camera app can return null (sansumg devices), and the app don’t work.
    You can use OpenCamera, Google camera, or other android market cameras.
  • If you have other problem, you can report it using my contact email.